Species Reference Sheets

Click on any of the links below to access all the essential information related to each species.

Species Elements (Colors)
Amazons No Elements (Ivory)
Coral Elves (Selumari) Air & Water (blue & green)
Dragonkin & Dragonkin Champions Each comprised of only one element (Air, Death, Earth, Fire, or Water)
Dwarves (Vagha) Fire & Earth (red & yellow)
Eldarim Each comprised of only one element (Air, Death, Earth, Fire, or Water)
Eldarim Champions Dragoncrusaders, Dragonlords, & Dragonslayers - All Elements (white)
Dragonhunters, Dragonmasters, & Dragonzealots - Each comprised of only one element (Air, Death, Earth, Fire, or Water)
Feral (Ghwereste) Air & Earth (blue & yellow)
Firewalkers (Empyrea) Air & Fire (blue & red)
Frostwings (Areosa) Death & Air (black & blue)
Goblins (Trogs) Death & Earth (black & yellow)
Lava Elves (Morehl) Death & Fire (black & red)
Scalders (Faeli) Water & Fire (green & red)
Swamp Stalkers (Sarslayan) Death & Water (black & green)
Treefolk (Efflorah) Water & Earth (green & yellow)
Undead (Bloodless) Death only (black)