Dragon Dice v4.01 FAQ

FAQ Version: 1.08
Date Issued: April 30, 2021

Welcome to Dragon Dice®, where you ROLL TO VICTORY using the dice in your armies to conquer your foes! This FAQ document supports the Dragon Dice® rules and answers many questions regarding common interactions and exceptions.

This FAQ will be updated periodically. Check the date at the top of this document to ensure you have the most recent FAQ.

New Additions

New additions: Earthfang Relic. Effects that Kill. Multiple Dragons. Dragonkin Handlers.

Get to know your dice

FAQ: What is this new thing “equipment”?
It was clear that it was confusing to call four-sided dice “items” and then also refer to a bunch of other dice as “items”. From now on, “items” is the general name, and “equipment” is the specific name for the elemental four-sided dice.