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This section introduces advanced dice and rules for Dragon Dice®. All items in this section should be considered optional and all players involved in a game should agree on their inclusion before adding any of them to their force.

Eldarim Champions

Eldarim Champions represent the heroes of the Eldarim Race. They are represented in the game by very large six-sided dice. Each Eldarim Champion has four health, the same as a monster (Eldarim have Champions instead of monsters).

Types of Eldarim Champion

There are six different types of Eldarim Champion, though only three different ID icons are used. Each type of champion has access to a different special ability which they may use during the game. All Eldarim Champions are part of the Eldarim race.

Dragonlord Dragonslayer Dragoncrusader
Dragonmaster Dragonhunter Dragonzealot
Black, Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow