Australian Variant Minor Terrain Rules


  • Joshua Cavalchini
  • Greg Ison
  • Jacqueline Mitchell
  • Dean Pobar

These are unofficial rules and not endorsed by SFR Inc.

These rules modify the number of minor terrains which a player may bring to a game, the method by which minor terrains are brought into play during a game, and the effect of minor terrain action faces.

Number of minor terrains

The number of minor terrains which each player may bring to a game is equal to the number of terrains in the game plus one. Minor terrains are placed into each players summoning pools during game setup as per the standard rules.

Example: In a four (4) player game each player may bring six (6) minor terrains. There would be four (4) home terrains and one (1) frontier terrain making a total of five (5) terrains in the game.

Bringing minor terrains into play

The standard rule of forfeiting a maneuver attempt to bring in a minor terrain from a summoning pool is replaced by the following rule.

When the acting player wins a maneuver roll they have the option to do one of the following:

  1. Change the major terrain face value up or down by one (1) step.
    • If the acting player captures an eighth (8th) face, they must return any minor terrain in that army back to their own summoning pool immediately as per the standard rules.
  2. Select a minor terrain from their own summoning pool and place it into their army.
    • Each army may only contain one (1) minor terrain as per the standard rules. You may not bring a minor terrain into an army which already has one.
    • The minor terrain must share at least one matching element colour with the major terrain, or a black minor terrain may be used at any major terrain.
    • The minor terrain is immediately rolled and the effect applied.
    • Whenever an acting player takes a march with an army containing a minor terrain, the minor terrain must first be rolled as per the standard rules and the effect applied as per these variant rules.
  3. Remove a minor terrain from their own army and return it to their summoning pool.
  4. Force another player at the same major terrain whose army contains a minor terrain to return that minor terrain back into their summoning pool.
    • If the acting player has a minor terrain in their own army, they must also return it to their own summoning pool as well.

ID's, disasters, and doubling effects

Minor terrain ID, disaster, and double saves and double maneuver effects remain unchanged from the standard rules.

Action results doubling

The rule below replaces the standard rules for doubling magic results, and extends on the effect of action faces on minor terrains.

If an acting players minor terrain shows an action icon which matches the action icon of the major terrain which that army is at, then the acting player may apply the following effect depending on the action type:

  • Melee: Double their melee results generated by unit ID faces.
  • Missile: Double their missile results generated by unit ID faces.
  • Magic: Double their magic results generated by unit ID faces according the following elemental restrictions:
    • Black: The standard rules of doubling results based on dead pools apply.
    • All other elements: Unit ID face results may only be doubled where the colour of the magic result matches an element colour in both the major and minor terrain.