This section introduces advanced dice and rules for Dragon Dice®. All items in this section should be considered optional and all players involved in a game should agree on their inclusion before adding any of them to their force.

Advanced Terrains

Advanced Terrains are special terrains that offer new objectives for armies to capture. Advanced Terrains follow all the usual rules for terrains, with one exception: an advanced terrain may only be placed at the frontier.

Like other terrains, each advanced terrain has a unique Eighth Face effect. These are described below:

Icon Terrain Eighth Face Effect
Castle When you capture this terrain, choose one of the following four terrain types: City, Standing Stones, Temple, or Tower. The castle becomes that terrain until its face is moved.
Dragon's Lair During the Eighth Face Phase, you may summon a dragon that matches at least one color of this terrain, an Ivory Dragon or any Ivory Hybrid Dragon, and place it at any terrain. The Dragon's Lair may not summon a White Dragon.
Grove During the Eighth Face Phase move one non-Dragonkin unit from any player's Buried Unit Area (BUA) to their Dead Unit Area (DUA), a Dragonkin unit or minor terrain from your Buried Unit Area (BUA) to your Summoning Pool, or an Item from your Buried Unit Area (BUA) to your army controlling this eighth face. This is not optional and must be performed if possible.
Vortex During any non-maneuver army roll at this terrain, before resolving SAIs (see step 2 of 'Die Roll Resolution'), you may re-roll one unit, ignoring the previous result.

Minor Terrains

The smaller (18mm) eight-sided dice are minor terrain dice. These dice represent lesser objectives for an army to capture at a particular terrain while trying to secure the terrain itself. These dice do not count toward victory, but they can help achieve that goal.

A player may bring a total of minor terrain dice to a game equal to the number of terrains in the game plus one (for example in a 2-player game, you may bring up to four minor terrains). Minor terrains are placed in a player's Summoning Pool at the start of the game.

Bringing a minor terrain into play

When an army marches, the army's owner may bring a minor terrain into play from their Summoning Pool instead of taking a maneuver. The minor terrain's colors must match at least one color of the terrain where the army is located. Deadlands may be brought into play at any terrain, regardless of that terrain's colors.

Roll the minor terrain when it enters play and immediately apply its result - alternate action, modify results, or disaster (See Minor Terrain Icons below). The rolled result will remain in effect as the active bonus for the army who owns the minor terrain until it is rolled again (see below). Place the die beside the army to show the bonus.

On all future turns, when an army that controls a minor terrain announces a march, they must either:

  • Forfeit their maneuver in order to keep the result showing on the minor terrain, OR,
  • Roll the minor terrain and apply its new result. The rolled result will remain in effect as the active bonus for the army who owns the minor terrain until it is rolled again as above.

The following rules apply to minor terrains:

  • Each army may only have one minor terrain in play.
  • An army that has captured an Eighth Face may not bring a minor terrain into play. If an army controlling a minor terrain captures the terrain's Eighth Face, then the minor terrain is buried.
  • If an army controlling a minor terrain leaves the terrain (all the units in the army are moved or are killed), then the minor terrain is buried.
  • When an army controlling a minor terrain takes a march, they may choose to bury it instead of taking the maneuver. A new minor terrain may not be brought into play by that army this turn.
  • A minor terrain's colors are available to the controlling army as if they were part of the terrain for the purposes of Species Abilities. It does not add to the number or type of colored dragon breath attacks that a white dragon inflicts.
  • Any rules that refer to or target a terrain do not apply to minor terrains.


In addition to the above rules, each Deadlands (black) minor terrain that a player controls counts as additional units (of any species) in that player's Dead Unit Area (DUA) for the purpose of any applicable species abilities. Deadlands may be brought into play at any terrain.


Icon Name Effect
(Bridge, Knoll, Village, Woods)
Pick any action face on the minor terrain (magic, melee, or missile). Turn the die to the selected face.
Magic The controlling army may conduct a Magic action or the action shown on the terrain.
Melee The controlling army may conduct a Melee action or the action shown on the terrain.
Missile The controlling army may conduct a Missile action or the action shown on the terrain.
Double Maneuvers The controlling army doubles its ID results when rolling for maneuvers.
Double Saves The controlling army doubles its ID results when rolling for saves.
Dust Storm The controlling army's missile results are halved. The minor terrain is buried at the beginning of the army's next march.
Flanked The controlling army's save results are halved. The minor terrain is buried at the beginning of the army's next march.
Flood The controlling army's maneuver results are halved. The minor terrain is buried at the beginning of the army's next march.
Revolt The controlling army's melee results are halved. The minor terrain is buried it at the beginning of the army's next march.